Saturday, October 18, 2008

Italian Small Talk - First 25 Phrases

D’accordo - I agree
Sei/siete pronto - Are you/you all ready?
Perché no - Why not
Mi puo far sapere? - Will you let me know?
Le farò sapere - I’ll let you know
Se sapessi l’italiano - If I knew Italian
Sempre credevano tutto - They always believed everything
Tu dicevi sempre la verita - You always speak the truth
Lo sapevo da molti anni - I knew it for many years
Ci vediamo domani - We will see each other tomorrow
Ora tocca a te - Now it’s your turn
Prendere in giro - Joke around
Vi conoscete? - Do you know each other?
Siamo in sei - We are six
Lo dicono tutti - Everybody says it
Li ho visti stamattina - I saw them this morning
Siamo amici da tanto tempo - We have been friends for a long time
Lo so bene - I know it well
Antonio non ‘e potuto venire oggi - Anthony could not come today
Non ho potuto fare la domanda - I wasn’t able to ask the question

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